Its all about mindset and how you spend your time. If you’re a good salesperson, you’ll survive. But if you’re one of the best, your earnings are potentially limitless. Super Salespeople not only make more money, they’re also recognised by the comapnies and clients for their immense value.
I’ve spoken with many Super Salespeople across a wide variety of industries, all who have key sales habits in common. Learn the 5 things that helped them achieve “Super Sales” success, so you can start to dominate your competition:
1. Prioritise quality over quantity.
Most people seem to think that super salespeople simply know how to close more sales, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Top sales performers across industries focus on quality– not quantity. In other words, they aren’t closing a ton of small size sales. Instead, they’re selling to larger companies.
Selling to a larger company often requires the same sales process and a similar amount of work as small ones, but the return is significantly bigger. If you want to become a Super salesperson, think less about how many sales you’re closing and more about who it is you’re selling to.
2. Only sell to the top.
Here’s another quality super salespeople all have in common: They only sell to MD’s, CEOs, and other high-level prospects. They understand that a low-level prospect doesn’t have the power to make a decision– or the budget to back it up.
If you want to climb to the top of your industry, you have to stop meeting non-decision makers.
3. If it doesn’t make money, don’t do it.
You complete two types of tasks every day: those that make you money and those that don’t. Filling orders, completing paperwork, and handling customer service doesn’t make you money. Prospecting, setting meetings, and attending key customer meetings absolutely will.
Super Salespeople focus on meeting decision makers and outsource or delegate everything else. While it may cost you money to outsource, you’ll still make far more money in the long run by focusing your time and energy solely on closing deals.
4. Understand the difference between outcomes and to-do’s.
What goals would you like to achieve this year? Those are your outcomes. What tasks do you have planned for today? Those are your to-dos. Now take a closer look at your to-do list. If you’re like most salespeople, many of your tasks won’t get you any closer to accomplishing those important outcomes.
Super Salespeople understand this, and always focus on outcomes over to-dos. Instead of letting little things distract them from their goals, they prioritize their responsibilities by what matters most.
Practice this strategy, and you’ll soon find yourself closing far more sales.
5. Leverage every sale into more sales.
Super Salespeople don’t just pour champagne and pat themselves on the back when they close a massive sale. Instead, they leverage every opportunity to turn one sale into another one. In other words, Super Salespeople rely heavily on existing relationships to be introduced to their next prospect.
Many high-level prospects are personally or professionally connected to one another, especially within the same industry. Any time you close a sale, don’t miss the opportunity to ask for an introduction to someone else who could benefit from your product or service. This is key to meeting more valuable prospects and closing those big sales.
How will you adjust your approach to think more like a Super Salesperson? Share your thoughts in the comments below.